Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Generation Gaps

Attended my Uncle's wake in Malaysia during the weekend. Lots of crowd and lots of relatives which I had never seen/recognise before. Times flies and I'm back at the same place for the same activity once again. Before a student, now a worker.

All the kids had grown up which made me felt much older than usual. Got a big shock when one of the niece called me "Uncle". Although I know my status is quite "high", this is definitely the first time when a 16 plus teenager addressed me so formally. OMG!! Almost fall off my chair.

Anyway, quite amused when a tiny little issue can caused such a big "Hoo-ah" in Malaysia. Though not my problem, but nevertherless amazed at how narrow-minded some folks can be. Just like a drowning person trying to drag others along with them. If given a choice, I will just kick the person and left it to them to struggle themselves.

Life is unpredictable and we should left no room for regret. Better treasure every moments of our lives and enjoy it to the fullest.


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