Thursday, May 01, 2008

Two-sided Coin

Visited St James again with ck, elwin, faye, web and sophie yesterday. Saw Egwin, Andrew & another of our church member there as well. It was a last minute change of plan. Original plan was to go jogging and maybe dinner at Downtown East. Anyway, the whole idea was to make someone feel young again....haha!!
The whole place was crowded as expected and the music was hmm...not really my cup of tea most of the times. Left ard 2 plus and had supper at Geylang before sending the rest back home. One thing I shared with some of them during the trip back was about how everything has 2 sides of the truth but we never really realized it till we're at the other side of it.
For example, having the car gives me the freedom to chose where I want to go, the time I want to leave plus the convenience that I had expected before I had the car. However, what I did not expected is the additional responsibilities that come with it. Beside maintaining the car aspects in terms of finance, cleanliness etc, the sending of people back home safely is one aspect I had not consider previously. Now when I go clubbing or bar, I had to constantly maintain a clear-headed level of conscience as it not affect myself but the rest that come along with me.
I believe this not only applies to the car but also to every other aspects of lives. Whether relationship, work, families or even studies, there are always 2 sides of the coin but we never really bother about others except for the situation that we're facing currently. Though many longed to go into relationship for various reasons, are we really prepared to accept the responsibilities that come with it? It's a good point for many to ponder about.


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