Wednesday, March 08, 2006


As the Alpha weekend is approaching this weekend, the church is praying for 100 people to turn up while currently, we only had 10plus so. Will a miracle happen at the end? Are we asking for the impossible? Why are we doing Alpha over & over again? When can we ever really get a good rest? The mths ahead seem packed with many seminars that seems like a endless road to me.
Frankly speaking, my inner-self is quite relieved that Alpha is coming to an end soon and I can finally let go of some of the responsibility. So far, I had not been able to get anyone to come for Alpha wkend. Though dissappointed, I know deep inside in my heart, there are just so many mixed thoughts that are battling at this moment. What is truly one thing that I really desire? Do the salvation of others really mean a lot to me at this point of time? Had I really put in my best in preparing, inviting, presenting and most importantly, PRAYING?
Sometimes our prayers for candidates or any other things in our lives are not answered, why is that so? Have we checked whether the prayers that we pray comply with God's way? Or rather we still want to do things our ways? Have we really prayed hard enough or are we busy with our own lives that we simply had no time to care about others except ourselves?
Right now, there is just so many questions that need to be answer but one thing I know for sure, God U will always provide a way out through times & situation may seem difficult and tough. Terror times is just to draw us closer to you and to see your magnificant hands at work. Last but not least, I prayed for a obedient heart that will do things your ways not my way; Desires for your Kingdom not my own pleasures; and also a caring & compassionate heart to care truly for the people ard me. (Hopefully not for gals only but also a bit for guys lah!! Haha!!)


Blogger DarkRed said...

prince j, read this and just want to say i understand... it was, and still is, a struggle for me thru the many alphas..

but brother, i see it changing your life in a wonderful way too - someone once said, if he could describe the christian life in one word, it would be 'others'.

as we step out together, in His grace n strength, for others, one day it will all be worth it :)

10:44 PM  

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