Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baptism 2008

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to Joel, Happy Birthday to me!! marks the day of my baptism. A new chapter, a new phase of my life had just started. Definitely it will be exciting and all my dreams will be fulfilled...haha!!
Had an fulfilling breakfast with my parents, uncle and my auntie at AMK before proceeding to Expo for service. Sermon preached by Ps Benny Ho before making my way to ECP in eg's car with daniel and elwin. Anyway, the baptism was over before I knew it. One interesting encounter was the verse shared by Ps David during my baptism, it was still 1 Cor 10:13. It seemed that this verse continue to remain one of the most quoted verse in my life for now. Jo & Grace tried to intro 3 new gals to our cell guys which apparently did not worked out that well. I think the gals will probably not remember any of our names but as Honda Civic Type R or Vios. Think our intro skills need to polish up abit.
Some of us went to Parkway for some ice-cream & drinks followed by some discussion. It seemed that our info are really not that up-dated as each and everone of us are busy with our own schedule. There is always sad stories in our midst and it only depend on who's the person involved in it. Nevertherless, let me continue to enjoy myself in this joyous occasion where the sky may even "open".


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