Friday, September 30, 2005

Footprints of Lives

Life is a long journey where no one can be 100% sure of what lies ahead of them. There will always be road blocks to hinder the ways where we have to detour or pause for a moment. In other days, we might lose our directions hence ended up losing our ways. All this are parts and parcels of our life journey which we must endure through.

There was a story of a man who was introduced to the family of Christ when he was young. However, due to temptation of the worldly possession, he left the family in search of a better future which he thought to be good. He enjoyed himself in the midst of all the entertainment and thought that that was life. Many years passed by , the young man started to feel a sense of emptiness in his heart. He continued to spend his time with the people around him but there still remain some form of emptiness which no amount of enjoyment could fill it up. There seem to be no purpose in his life and every days passes by just like that.

Is that the end to the story? Of course not, God had never give up on anyone despite the unperfectness of man. The man suddenly felt a sense of urge to go back to church. Due the man had to overcome many mental struggles before he decide to come back, he came back to the family of Christ eventually. There was much celebration and joy in the Heaven above as the lost sheep had returned to home once again.

One thing we can learn from the story is that life is never smooth or easy. We may get lost in our lives at some point of time, but the important thing is to come back to the correct path ultimately. At times where we feel hopeless or lonely, all the more we shall retreat into a corner or take a step back to listen to the sound beside us. We will see a clearer picture and may even hear the sound of God whispering into our ears if we will to pay attention to it. Remember we are never alone as God will always be by our sides as long as we're willing to let Him take control of our lives.


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