Friday, October 14, 2005


Life is a interesting process where we are always facing tons of situation that requires us to make a choice. Sometimes the choice the decision we made may be not what we want personally but we will still make the same decision regardless of how many years passes by us.
At times we might want to blame God for giving us the power to make choice and why not simply give us one sraight path to walk instead? When there are only one way, we simply follow it and it would save us a lot of troubles and headaches at the same time.
Is that the truth? I don't know but I must say that the ability to make choice gave us the power to choose the way we want our lives to turn out instead of following the same pattern every day. It is bcos we do not know what lies ahead of us that make our lives more interesting. As we faces new challenges in our daily lives, we are to decide what is the more important thing in our lives that we want to treasure the most. Is it family, friends, career........?
For every individuals, we have a different answer to the same question. For me, I have to choose between work, families and friends and God. I had planned out my schedule for this week but sometimes, situations arises which forces me to change the original plan. It's kind of frustrating at times but I guessed God is simply using situation again to mould me into a stronger, better and most importantly, HANDSOME MAN!!! Haha!!
For this sat, hopefully my mum can get her friend to help out or I'll be faced once again whether to go for my own enjoyment or to help out instead. That's life and what can I do!!! Many years had passed but I'm always faced with the same situation to make the same type of choice!! Time to go back to work for nw....haha!!


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