Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Church Camp

Just came back from the church camp today!! Let me just do a short summary of what had happened during the past few days........
09/06/05 -Thurday

It's the last lesson of my Lindy 2 lesson and I'm preparing my mood for the coming church camp tomorrow. Everything seemed so perfect and wonderful. I was of course in a extremely good mood and expecting lots of exciting moments ahead.
Suddenly I received a call from my dad in the afternoon informing me that my aunt is in a critical condition and may leave us anytime. I was wondering whether should I take urgent leave or off to go to the hospital. In the end, I decided to continue with my work.
Few hours later, I received that my aunt had departed from this world. I felt bad that I didn't grab the opportunity to see her for the last time. Nevertherless, I comforted myself that everyone had to face death sooner or later. Therefore, I should not feel sad or bad at all as it's only part of the growing up process. People may say that I am unfeeling or emotionless but seriously , I felt that it's pointless to say or anything when the person is no longer around. If we really cherish the person, we should have do so when they are still by our side.
I went for my last Lindy 2 lesson and we had some fun together though it's sad and disappointing that many of us had to leave early.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10/06/05- Friday
It was 12.30am in the morning and I am on my way to my aunt's funeral. I had to make a decision between going for my church camp or staying to help out at my aunt's funeral. It seemed that bad things will always occur at the point of time my life is perfect.
Is this yet another test from the Devil or what? I really don't know. Finally I decided to go ahead with the camp as I feel that it's more important to know more about God and at the same time, have some fun with my friends together. I volunteered myself to stay up the whole night at my aunt's wake so that the rest of the people can at least have some rest.
I went to work almost half-dead due to insufficient sleep or should I say without sleep!! Luckily, I was on half-day off and after which I went back home to get some sleep. I fell into such a good sleep that I almost couldn't wake up in time for the bus till Michelle called me. Thank God!!
The bus leaves Bedok at 8.30pm and at 10.30pm- we're still at Woodland checkpoint. Haha!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11/06/05- Saturday
The van reached Seremban at around 2.30am in the morning. We're all dead-beat by the time we arrived. Sean, Egwin, CK and I shared a room where Sean decided to test the system and challenged himself. He slept without ear-plugs despite repeatedly warning from his friends. Of Course, he failed terribly and had to endure the "Thunder-Storm" or Heavenly music from one of his companions which I should not disclose. Can anyone guess who the culprit is? Haha!!
Poor Sean. He got such a bad fright that he went around looking for solution to get out of the room.
The sermon taught at the camp was very encouraging and motivating. It really widen our views on certain things and issues regarding our daily lives. One thing I remembered was about the Spirit, Soul and Body. Does it mean that I have to eat for 3 persons instead of one?
12/06/05- Sunday
It's been another exciting day for all of us as besides the motivating sermons by Pastor Benny, we have a talent contest going on in the afternoon. Let me just introduce some of our interesting characters involved. We have:
Sean- The funny clown. All of us didn't know how funny sean can be until this camp. I think he can make a living out of it if he decided to switch occupation.
CK- The mischevious(not sure of the spelling- what does it matter anyway?) monkey. He did a very good job of acting as a monkey too. Don't you guys agree?
Wei Min- The jumping Flamingo- thanks for being so spontaneous and paticipating so whole-heartedly in the contest.
Not to forget, we had a couple dancing Lindy as Dancing Bears. They are none other than Qing and Eg. Their performance was fantastic which had many people setting their eyes on the two of them. What a romantic scene-- To have 600 pairs of eyes looking at them dancing, rite? Not many people had the chance and opportunity to dance in front of such a big crowd. At this point of time, I can almost imagine two person saying "WHATEVER" in my eyes now. What does it matter, RITE!!
We finished the day with a supper at A & W. One sad thing that happened is that Qing lost her handphone. Nothing much we can do to help except to be grateful that nothing else was lost.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13/06/05- Monday
We had a enjoyable holiday and all good things must come to an end. It's time to switch my mood back to work. Lastly, let me share something that really motivates me to continue with my Lindy lessons. My cell group members commented that I looked attractive when dancing as I seemed to have a different expressions. It make me want to fly up the sky already, Haha!! I think the expressions is because I'm too stress lah. Whatever it is, it's always good to hear good compliments from people. It's time to catch some sleep!! Bye!!


Blogger JOEL said...

A pity jimmy u didn't join us tis week...nvm just join us the nxt year...hurray. And yes Qing, I'm looking forward to nxt year church camp.

11:02 AM  
Blogger peccavi said...

Next yr i am going too!

Brother, I pity poor Sean lor... tsk tsk tsk. Lucky Eg and CK smarter...

Mich says you look graceful when you dance!

1:21 AM  
Blogger JOEL said...

As graceful as a swan...tsk tsk...really boast my morale up...wan to fly oredi

3:08 PM  

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