Thursday, June 01, 2006

Half Dead or Half Alive

3 days since I backed up my colleague and the workload is already crushing me so hard that I can hardly breathe. Rushing thru deadline after deadline and OT after OT. Finding it hard to remain positive at point of time & looking forward to each coming weekend.
Made me look forward to treating myself to a short holiday where I can just eat, sleep, rest & just relax. (Hopefully wif a chio girl beside me....haha!!) Wonder what there is in life beside work and sleep?? Being rebellious in my heart at this point of time which need time to resolve and repent. Church camp is coming but I simply can't sense any excitement in my heart. Sigh!! What on earth is happening???
Should really take a short break soon to recharge my battery and it's time to go back home for now.


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