Sunday, March 16, 2008


Times really flies and the things surrounding are constantly changing. Same place, same music but the people may not be the same anymore. Nevertherless, changes are good and people should continue to strive for a better future rather than hold on to the past. Looking forward to next week as I collect my car.........

Thursday, March 06, 2008

At Long Last

Yes, I got it!! Finally, it's coming nearer......

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Just came back from web's birthday bash at Dragonfly at St. James Power Station. Been an interesting night that set me thinking once again.
Why do people want to get themselves drunk? Clearly we understand that it's bad for the health, pocket and perhaps even our safety. Even so, there are still people that chose to throw away their lives by simply drowning their sorrows through drinking. Am I being too harsh or unsympathy here? I don't care or I chose not to be bothered about it. If people want to die, I will just do my part to stop it. After that, it's their own lives and choices which I will not hesitate to walk away. Maybe I'm too heartless or ruthless...however I respect their choices in lives.
Happiness is a choice, not a privilege. How easy to say, but difficult to do it. Anyway, Happy Birthday Webby!!